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Study Days

The Surrey U3A Network Study days are open to all U3A members and guests are very welcome. They are held in the Menuhin Hall, Stoke d'Abernon; starting at 9.30am with registration and running from 10am to 4pm.

Following the experience many have had during the pandemic of attending events virtually, they have decided to offer virtual attendance so that members can view the study days from home. The fees, including coffee/tea and biscuits, are £12 for members, with the same fee for virtual attendance and £15 for guests. Attendees should bring a packed lunch. Prior booking is necessary.

Friday 17 May 2024

The Jazz Age and Beyond

Presented by Howard Lawes, Grace Evans, Christie Lee Manning and Dave Allison

The novels of F. Scott Fitzgerald chronicled the hedonism and excitement of the Jazz Age in America — Fitzgerald once claimed that the 1920s were “the most expensive orgy in history”. In Britain the growing interest in jazz music brought black and white musicians, artists and audiences together, and was crucial in influencing changes in British society, while in Europe, Ballets Russe, Hot Club de France, Art Deco and Bauhaus have left a lasting legacy in dance, music and design. The influence of jazz on society and society on jazz will be discussed with plenty of musical and visual illustrations.

This Surrey Network study day will be in The Menuhin Hall, Cobham Road, Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey KT11 3QQ. 

Further details and booking forms are available by clicking HERE 

Friday 21 June 2024

Science Day – Rainforests/Evolution & Music/Colour

Speakers – Dr David T Jones & Andrew Hanson MBE

This Surrey Network study day will be in The Menuhin Hall, Cobham Road, Stoke d'Abernon, Surrey KT11 3QQ. 

Further details and booking forms are available by clicking HERE

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