Renew Membership 2024
Renewing Membership of Reigate & Redhill u3a
Each member will be sent their current details held on our database. Please read carefully and check that yours are correct. If there are any changes, please amend the email received and return it to .
If there are no changes and you are paying by Bank Transfer, please complete the online Renewal Form below. We will verify your payment by checking our bank account and will acknowledge receipt.
Pay by Bank Transfer to: Lloyds Bank
A/c: Reigate and Redhill u3a
Sort Code: 30 94 38
A/c No: 33587768
Reference: your forename and surname
If you are paying by cheque
Please send the cheque payable to Reigate and Redhill U3A, your full name and any changes to your details to Membership Administrator, 20 Claremont Road, Redhill RH1 2JT.
For any queries, contact us by email at or tel: 01737 929001
Online Renewal of Membership
I/We apply for renewal of membership of Reigate and Redhill u3a and confirm that I/we will abide by the Terms of Membership as stated and confirm that I/we have read the Privacy and Data Protection Statement
I/We consent to the holding of my/our membership records securely for the administration of Reigate and Redhill u3a; management of groups; communication with members; mailing of newsletters, Reigate and Redhill u3a magazine and *Third Age Trust magazines.
*The Third Age Trust is the national organisation to which all U3As are affiliated.
Please be advised that you can request for your data not to be used for the direct postal mailing of Third Age Trust magazines at any time by contacting the data manager
If you have any queries please phone, 01737 929001
Gift Aid
Did you know that you can Gift Aid Reigate and Redhill u3a membership without any cost to yourself? The Gift Aid scheme boosts your membership donation by 25p for every £1 of your subscription.
Tick the 'Gift Aid' box if you agree with this statement:
As a UK taxpayer, I wish to Gift Aid all donations I make on or after the date of this declaration to Reigate and Redhill u3a. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference.
For a joint membership, at least one member, who must be a tax payer, is required to tick a Gift Aid box. Preferably however, both boxes should be ticked (provided that both members are tax payers in their own right).