Monthly Meetings at 2pm - Reigate Park Church, Park Lane East, Reigate RH2 8BD
We ask members to act responsibly and to consider other members who may be more vulnerable than themselves.
Please do not attend if you show any symptoms and take a Lateral Flow Test if uncertain.
Monthly Meeting - Friday 04 October 2024, 2pm
For 19 years, Ian has been one of Parliament’s clock mechanics. He was part of the team who painstakingly conserved the Great Clock. “This was the first time the Great Clock has been taken apart fully, so we could assess and repair every wheel and pinion. It’s been a daunting task without plans for the mechanism, but it’s also been an enormous privilege. Working on the best loved clock in the world requires not only skill but also a certain care and affection for the piece”.
In Person at Reigate Park Church and on YouTube.
Future Friday Meeting Topics
1st November The Story Behind Crosswords Susan Purcell
10th January 25 Britain's Nuclear "V" Bombers The Ultimate Peacekeepers Andy Richardson
7th February Through The Stage Door - A History of London Theatres
Pete Allen
7th March The Crop Circle Mystery Andy Thomas