Railway Studies 1
2nd Tuesday 10:00 to 12:00
No Fixed Venue
Over the years since the group was formed its members have produced and presented a wide range of topics with railways at the centre. We have heard about the Rainhill Trials in 1829 when Rocket showed a new way of building locomotives, the development and use of a particular type of locomotive, looked at the many sketches, paintings and photographs by well known artists depicting the railways and talked about the ordinary people who worked for the railways and were their mainstay.
For a few years an annual visit, recently inviting Group 2 to join us as well, to a railway location has taken place.These have included trips to the Bluebell Railway where, thanks to our leader, arrangements to see behind the scenes were made, to a local model railway enthusiast and to mainline stations such as Kings Cross and St Pancras to see how they have progressed since the vast changes in railway operation have been in operation.
There are so many facets to this subject that many more ideas for topics are being considered when planning ahead takes place.