Earth & Environmental Sciences
2nd Tuesday 10:00 to 12:00
A Group member's house

If you have an interest in the world around you, but have little scientific background, this is the group for you! All is explained! It is fun, very interesting and covers such a range of topics, it is never boring and not at all scary.
We are a friendly group of no more than 10 people which likes to consider the physical, natural and cultural processes that shape the world around us.
The basic principles of geology and other factors that shape the surface of the earth are often considered when looking at the landscape we see around us and the plants, animals and insects that make this world their home. We also consider the cultural influences that have affected historic and present landscapes.
We meet in members' houses once a month on the second Tuesday.
Once a year members prepare a subject to present to the meeting which is then discussed. These presentations are often no more than an hour long and the subject can be based on past experience, or more excitingly, the exploration of a topic new to them. If you are new to making presentations in person or online, members of the Group would always be happy to help you.
Earlier subjects have included the exploration of Everest, the Whin Sill, the Antonine Wall, as well as Piltdown Man, the Massif Central, gold mining in Scotland and fracking. A diverse range of topics which is ever expanding.
At least once a year we try to have an all day visit to a local place of interest. Recent visits have included Buckland Park Lake, The Thames Barrier, Cuckmere Haven and the Royal Geographic Society.
We also hold a magazine meeting at least once a year. Each member brings along an item or article that they consider interesting which we can all discuss.